Picture this: you have acknowledged and checked your privilege, connected on social media, made the space for others, done your research and changed your habits. You are an intersectional activist.
But what now?
A wave of hopelessness and frustration crashes into you, pushing you deeper into the endless pit of despair. Countless questions spring to mind, questioning your activist journey.
What has been the point of all this?
Nothing has changed, so have I just been wasting my time and energy?
What the @#*% have I been doing?
Just like 50% of other activists, you are experiencing activist burnout. Activist burnout, according to GoodTherapy, is defined as “a phenomenon that occurs when a political or social activist feels overwhelmed, frustrated, hopeless, or depressed, usually after a period of extensive activism.”
But why do those who want to make a change experience this condition? Oftentimes, activists feel as if they are purely responsible for fixing the many issues in the world. However, these matters are incredibly complex and severe, thus easy for one person to be overwhelmed by. They then overwork themselves as they believe they have to shoulder this burden alone.
Burnout, in this sense, is incredibly serious and can lead to temporary - or possibly permanent - withdrawal from activism.
If you have not yet experienced this phenomenon, it may be beneficial for you to take brief breaks from activism to do other things that you love.
It is always important to take care of yourself, no matter what. Whether that is through meditation, exercise or being creative, find something that works for you.
Once your mind and body have been revitalised, you will be an even better activist.
How to Combat It
Let us say that you are already dealing with activist burnout. What now?
One of the simplest ways to combat this phenomenon is to take a step back from activism. When wanting to make change, this may seem counterintuitive. This is simply not true. When you are performing at your worst, your activism suffers. However, vice versa is also true. Ensure that your health - both mental and physical - is taken care of, and I guarantee your activism will be even better.
Of course, everyone is different, so what works for someone else may not work for you. Other ways of coping include:
Realise that it is okay to not participate in every activity
Mediation and/or exercise
Reach out to others you can trust
Spend time with family and friends
Understand that systemic change takes time
Avoid political and social arguments
Activist burnout is not classified as a mental health condition. However, it can lead to mental illnesses, such as anxiety and/or depression. If symptoms still persist, please reach out to a qualified mental health professional.
Potential Resources
Visit Effective Activist at: https://effectiveactivist.com/movements/burnout/#:~:text=Unfortunately%2C%20burnout%20is%20quite%20common,6%20years%20of%20getting%20involved.
Read Good Therapy’s Activist Burnout article at: https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/activist-burnout#:~:text=Activist%20burnout%20is%20a%20phenomenon,a%20period%20of%20extensive%20activism.
For some useful selfcare tips visit: https://frontlineaids.org/wp-content/uploads/old_site/self_care_workbook_(webready)_original.pdf?1532089391
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