The Activist’s Issue
Browse and enjoy using the hyperlinks below.
What can you do?
By Kathryn Poland
Image: CC Flickr
To Show Skin in a Modern World
Have you ever wondered why you wear clothes?
Image: CC Wikimedia Commons
By Azra Clark
It’s time to expose the ‘excuses’. Click here to find out facts based response to disappointing excuses.
By Cecilia Bence
Images: Azra Clark
A Tragic Story of Hope
“Imagine you live in a village with four other people…”
By Esther Godfrey
“This October 15th many people around Australia will be striking for the climate.” Find out why and how you can become a part of this global movement.
By Freya Cooper
Image: Thomas Wood
“Have you ever wondered where the term “white feminism” came from? Or even why it exists?” Click here to find out how you can be a better activist or simply a better person.
By Elara Wareham
Image: CC Flickr
“Picture this: you have acknowledged and checked your privilege, connected on social media, made the space for others, done your research and changed your habits. You are an intersectional activist. Awesome! But what now..?”
By Elara Wareham
Image: CC Inside Higher Ed
“Imagine: A place where you risk your life daily, because of elements often out of your own control: your skin, heritage, identity, or beliefs. Could you leave behind all that you know to escape rape, torture, even death? What would push you to board a too-small, fractured boat…”
By Azra Clark
Image: CC Flickr
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