By Kathryn Poland
1. Go meatless
You don’t have to become a vegetarian or vegan, but by making some thoughtful decisions about what you’re putting in your mouth you can make a huge impact on the environment. Maybe think about having a ‘Meatless Monday’ (where you and your family don’t eat meat on Mondays), or challenge yourself to go vegetarian or vegan for a short while.
Meat, dairy and other animal product industries are huge water users, but they also produce a lot of methane and other greenhouse gasses that add to the effect of climate change on the planet.
Don’t know where to start, that’s ok! We all have to start from somewhere! For example, you might think about going to a small vegetarian café instead of a chain restaurant, or you could try tofu in a stir-fry rather than beef. Small, simple actions like these can make a huge difference. You can also find some really great simple recipes online for every type of cuisine. I would suggest recipes by Nisha Vora (Rainbow Plant Life on Youtube), Madeleine Olivia, and Beth Moncel (founder of Budget Bytes).
2. Use containers
Since the invention of plastic we’ve been using it to make our lives easier. Plastic is pretty much everywhere- the worrying aspect is the convenience of the moment has massive impacts. When we put plastic in the bin it goes to landfill where it can sit, undealt with, for years producing huge amounts of methane and other greenhouse gases that add to the greenhouse effect1.
Unfortunately, a lot of our plastic waste makes its way out of landfill and into different ecosystems, mostly our waterways and oceans, where it can easily harm wildlife who might mistake this plastic as food. Solution?: try to use your own containers whenever possible. Please keep in mind that this may be more difficult because food vendors may refuse your containers due to COVID-safe regulations. Still, give it a try next time you buy lunch out, as lots of shops are accepting containers again.
3. Compost
As a country, Australia wastes roughly 7.3 million tonnes of food every year that all goes to landfill2. You might think that this isn’t so bad as surely organic matter just breaks down at the tip, but no, when organic matter rots down surrounded by other rotting material it releases large amounts of methane, but it doesn’t create nearly as much when it decomposes properly.
You can easily set up your own compost in your backyard, and there are many simple tutorials for this online, look at the composting for dummies cheat sheet if you’d like to start your own3. Composting is great because you can use the compost in your garden or for your indoor plants to give them extra nutrients. Another great way to sustainably get rid of your food waste is by having animals such as chickens, ducks, or worms, if you’re thinking of doing this remember to check what your animals can and cannot eat and try to compost the rest.
If you can’t do either of these things but you still want to reduce your impact, maybe think about getting a FOGO bin4. Launceston City Council introduced roadside green bins in late 2016, and they can be seen in use at the Harvest market every Saturday. You can put almost any green matter in there, and the council then deals with it properly.
4. Walk or ride to school
Walking or riding a bike to school is a really great way to reduce your impact on the planet, by using cars less we can massively reduce our carbon emissions. In 2019 Australia produced 0.374 billion tonnes of Carbon Dioxide5. There are plenty of alternative ways to get to school that are kinder on the planet than driving cars. Walk, ride or skateboard. If you live too far away, or are physically unable to walk or ride to school, that’s ok! You could catch the bus, or carpool with some friends instead, and this will reduce your impact.
5. Grow your own food
Growing your own food in your backyard (or even inside your house) is a great way to be more sustainable. A lot of our fruits and veggies are shipped from the mainland or overseas, and this transportation results in a lot of carbon emissions. By growing your own food, you can reduce your carbon footprint. Doing this also lets you know that your fruits and veggies are ethically grown, as many agriculture industries around the world treat their workers horribly.
6. Buy second-hand
A lot of us would probably recognise the term ‘fast fashion’, this is where people buy clothes they don’t need and only wear them for a short amount of time before buying more clothes and putting their clothes in the bin. By buying clothes at op-shops or via second-hand online stores (e.g. Facebook marketplace, Depop, etc.) we can make a huge difference. If you don’t think that second-hand places have any cool or fashionable clothes, (or clothes that fit you) maybe take another look. You could also learn how to sew, knit or crochet instead so that you can make your own clothes or alter clothing pieces you already have. If you’re still not into any of that, at least try to not buy clothes as often, buy from small, sustainable stores, don’t throw your clothes away as often as you might currently, and when you think that your relationship with a piece of clothing has come to an end donate it! So that someone else can have the great experience of being a part of the cycle.
7. Sustainable banking, investing, and super
A lot of us have part time jobs and some of us might be thinking about starting to invest some of the money we’ve earnt, or maybe thinking more seriously about our superfunds. Did you realise there was such a thing as sustainable banking and investments? Before you choose which companies to invest in look deeply into their sustainability policies and how their company will help improve the effect humans have on the planet rather than harm it. Sustainability is the future of the economy too, and the whole world knows it, many countries around the world are moving towards more sustainable energy, and this means that you should choose to invest in sustainable industries and help us make this transition. You will be helping change the future because of this investment, and this will in return help you and your bank account.
8. Reduce your use of electricity
Even though power in Tasmania is hydro rather than coal fired or gas we still need to limit the amount of energy we use. It’s actually not enough to say that your energy is made sustainably and not change the way you use it. Turn off the lights in your house if no one is in that room. If you have a heater on, close the doors to save power. Get overhead lights installed that are energy savers. Think about getting solar panels installed on your roof so that you can create your own electricity. These are all great ideas as to how to save on power. Electricity is also super expensive, which is an added reason why you should reduce your usage! We as a state should set an example for the rest of the country, and the world as to how to create and use electricity sustainably, and your individual actions can help us do this.
9. Recycle
Of course, it’s best to reduce and by all means try to go zero waste- but recycling if done well really can make a difference. If you’re not sure what can and cannot go in your kerbside recycling bin check out the A-Z of waste and recycling guide that the council has created.
A lot of things are hard to recycle such as, toothpaste tubes, batteries, and mobile phones. These sorts of things can be dropped in at the council office at Civic Square- a short walk from school. Maybe Launceston College should think about setting up a recycling wall, I’d love to see one implemented, if you’re interested in helping set this sort of thing out send me an email at, I’d love to have a chat with you.
For now, a recycling plus that you might not know: Launceston College’s STEAM room collects plastic bottle top lids. Your clean plastic lids can be dropped off in H block.
Challenge yourself to reduce your recycling as well - try by cutting out heavily packaged items, use wholefood stores where you can take your own containers, stop using single use plastics and just be mindful of your consumption.
10. Connect with others to find out more about Climate Change
There are many great groups and associations that you can get involved with. Go follow the Launceston School Strike for Climate page on Instagram and Facebook and attend the next climate strike6. Check out the Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC)7. Research individual movements such as Stop Adani8 and Protect Takayna/Tarkine9. These are just a few great groups and movements that you should get around, but there are plenty more out there, so go join them, and get all your friends to join too!
Remember that all change starts small – but all those small changes add up. Together we can make a difference. Together we can save the world.
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